I’m actually writing this post is PRETTY LATE in the game (01/04/2021), but we have finally been able to come up for air after a crazy 2020 of COVID, construction, and production! Looking back at some of these pictures of construction, I thought you might like to take a look with me! Images were taken on 06/27/2020.
Shout out to Robert Bertera who took the aerial pictures for us!! You can find his work and contact info here:
So here’s how it all went down –
We were always planning to build a giant outdoor green space – lovingly we decided to call this our “Cocktail Garden”. We wanted it to be somewhere for live music, family/friend time, food trucks, events – all with tons of plants and grass; basically the goal was to build a space similar to a public park, but with alcohol!
We had money saved up and were starting to bid the work for the outside in Jan/Feb then we shut down for COVID. We decided to risk it all to help the community when sanitizer was running out. We sold sanitizer to our local community, individuals throughout Wisconsin, and even shipped it to at least 10 states from what I recall. For more information on that whole sanitizer ordeal, check out this other blog post here. During that time we started manufacturing it in bulk for a customer out of Illinois that made it into a hand wipe product. Throughout that process we were able to save up money and buy much-needed equipment to upgrade our facility and operations! We also hired probably 15 folks to help us with the sanitizer at various times and supported local businesses to help us with the construction throughout.
We kicked off the cocktail garden construction in early June and worked hard to get it ready for an opening on Aug. 31st. Throughout all of that time we were still making hand sanitizer, so you will see the big 275 gallon white cubes in our parking lot in some of the pictures.
Check it out!